A narrative and game designer with a fondness for stories that delight players’ hearts.

who is t-dog eXtreme?

I’m a multi-award winning game and narrative designer with several years of industry experience across a spectrum of indie and AAA games. This includes EA’s Real Racing 3 and Wētā Workshop’s Tales of the Shire.

Most recently I’ve started working on my own project, Clownbaby, with funding from ScreenAustralia. I have capacity to take on other projects, so if you’re looking for words or crisp mechanics, reach out!

but what is clownbaby?

Clownbaby Title Image, with help from ScreenAus

Clownbaby is a Dating SIM x Roguelite Deckbuilder where you play as Clownbaby – a clown. A buffoon, if you will. Like most clowns and various buffoons, Clownbaby just wants is to find love.

Currently a solo project being developed with the help of ScreenAustralia through their Emerging Gamemakers Fund.

Did you know Clownbaby was presented as a talk at Parallels in 2024?

Well, it was, and it was very good!

Stay tuned for more news!